Ebola & SEED Farms Update

Dear Partners in Missions:

It is always a joy to send you updates from the frontier in Liberia. Thanks for remembering to pray and hold the rope while we serve, especially during the Ebola outbreak in our country. We are counted among the living, because of the fervent prayers of each of you. We are extremely grateful to God for your ministry of service to many around the world you have never seen and yet you love and support.


Our family is doing fairly well in Liberia. A lot of challenges, yet we count ourselves privilege to be called to serve at such a time. My wife of 25 years have be have some real difficult time with her health. It is recently she has improved tremendously. She has begun to do minor exercises and keep watching her diet closely. Continue to pray for her health to keep improving as each day comes.

Our kids are all doing well. We have a 23 years old daughter who is second year in college and a 22 year old son who is also freshman in college. Our last daughter, Necia is now 18 and in high school. Continue to pray her as she struggles. I am doing okay for now. My health is good for my age, but I am often overwhelmed with a lot of ministry demands and responsibilities that comes with so much stress. However, I count myself blessed to be called by God to serve at such a time and the humility to rely on His grace to wait patiently, which is not always an easy virtue, for
his time and intervention.

SEED Farms

The farm is doing well. I visited the farm on Saturday to see the the progress of things. We have started to harvest the rice we planted. There is a lot to do with harvesting the rice over the coming weeks. It is a manual process which takes a lot of man hours to achieve. We are trying to build the storage at the same time for the rice. Early this year the Lord provided a new tractor for the SEED Farms project. We have been awaiting the remaining implements (front bucket and wagon) for our farm tractor. Hopefully with the arrival of the farm implements we will have huge advantage in cultivating large areas with less amount of man power needed.

Continue to pray for other implements like plow and graders, stump ripper and other relevant attachments. With those we can work on our roads and land at the same time.


We did not do very much in terms of training due to the Ebola crisis however, a lot of time was spent visiting villages, town and some of our pastors to create awareness and distribute sanitary materials. We conducted a pastoral training in February. Just this past month we did a follow-up visit into the interior to reestablish contact with pastors in Karnplay, Garplay, Gbehyi and Beo Yoola. Our training in the past years yielded much results, therefore we agreed to reengage and upgrade our training (lower and advance levels).

I am so grateful for your support to our family and ministry. I have not seen too many people who believe in empowering others, but you have chosen that path. I am loving it because I know one day we can help thousands of families sustainable and strong to help rebuild a whole nation from ruins to riches. That is my hope and dream to build a model farm that would serve as a launching pad for such an initiative.

What to Pray for:

Nancy's health, Support for our kids in college, God's provision to repair family car, Ministry expansion(material resources and funding for training), Farm development (completion of farm house, committed workers, additional implements for tractor, safe drinking water well for farm,etc.

Rich blessings!


LEADLiberia Ministry Update — August, 2015

Ministry is going well. With Ebola situation much improved, we are beginning to plan meetings. This August we will have two major meetings with Pastors in two counties. Pray for the Lord's provision to do the first conference with pastors and church leaders from 18 churches.

Many of the participants will come from towns and villages that require walking 2- 4 hours to be at the conference. August 28-30 I will travel 250 miles for a meeting with leaders from 3 regions (Garplay, Karnplay and Beo). We had earlier work with over 50 churches in this area, training leaders for over 8 years. Most of those we trained are now pastors of local congregations. Prior to our mobile training, some of them were mere church members. Four of those pastors went on to Bible College and are now back home to serve. Pray for wisdom as we meet to strategically plan for future training that will help us to do more by doing less.

Our sustainable farm effort is definitely yielding results. We planted rice on nearly 15 acres. After the harvest of the rice we will begin to plant plantain and banana on the site. We have few animals of the site but they have not been doing very well. We do need expert help at this point. The farm is a very great prospect.

Please continue to pray for:

  • Tractor implements to arrive (wagon, bucket, plow).

  • A road worthy vehicle (4 wheel drive).

  • A Ministry Training Director.

  • Back to back meetings this month and vehicle for the long trip

Rich Blessings,


Ministry Update — May, 2015

Dear Partners/Friends/Co-laborers:

We wish to extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support. Most of last year was spent in the heat of battle when we faced the Ebola outbreak that literally ravaged every facet of our nation. Though there has been tremendous progress but it is yet far from over. However, we are still counted among those who are alive, because you did not cease praying for my family and country. Please continue to pray for us to be declared an Ebola freed country. Accordingly, we have now gone over 45 days without any known case.

Ebola Interventions

When the crisis began, we sent SOS calls for assistance to help do awareness in areas where we served. We did not get the expected response, but we are pleased to inform you that we were able to stretch donations we received, to do interventions in two major areas. In early December, we visited Larkeyta where we have one of our network of pastors with 22 churches since 2006, we provided 50 buckets with 3 month’s supply of chlorine with soap for hand washing. After the visit, we received calls that the donations benefited the communities as well especially the chlorine supply. Pastors shared the chlorine with members of their congregations and the communities. This situation has stretched families economically, because every family was required to have a bucket with a mixture of soap and chlorine to wash hands daily. It is still part of our routine activity.

We also took our awareness and distribution campaign to Todee where SEED Farms is located with over 30 villages. We reached out to only 18 of those villages with Ebola materials (buckets, soap and chlorine). The villagers were overwhelmed by our visit, because we were the only Christian group that had gone there with materials to assist them. It was an opportunity to let them more about Lead's work. We took up time sharing about the disease and the need to prevent it from our families and communities and to report any suspected case to health authorities. By the grace of God these communities where not directly affected by the outbreak. I want you to know that we could never have acted promptly without your help. Since our humanitarian effort the leaders and others are now aware of our farm and the purpose of our existence.

Pastoral Conference (February) after a year of praying and visiting churches and helping in little ways with Ebola materials and food, we finally had the privilege of reconvening our training activities. Our first conference was held in Pleemu upper Todee with pastors and church workers for four days. These participants came from 12 local churches in that area. We have previously worked with 6 churches but now have six additional churches added to the network. This area had an entire family quarantined after the lost of family member died of the deadly Ebola virus. Most families in this area lost love ones in Kakata, one the areas hard hit by the virus. About 36 health workers died with hundreds of residents. This happened at the earliest stage of the outbreak when people were still in the denial stage. Thank God for robust awareness campaign that helped to stop the spread quickly.

Continue to pray for the restoration of our remaining conferences in Nimba with about 3 major networks in Karnplay, Gblorlay, and Bahn with a total 100 churches. We are planning major partners meetings with leaders of these networks in May/June. We worked in these areas for 8 years. Our last activity was a one year advanced leadership training in 2011 using BTCP materials. We graduated 64 pastors. About 30 of those we worked with who were previously church workers, are now assigned churches as pastors. Richard Mabea is one of my trainees, but is now the area coordinator (District Superintendent) of his denomination. He shares with me this testimony: "Rev, please do not think that Lead's work was in vain, today most of those people we rely upon in ministry are those your ministry trained. The training materials we have is what you made available to us and are now using them to train others". This made my day, just knowing that my years of long travel and teaching is yielding much fruit for His glory.

Meeting with them would be intended to reengage, evaluate the impact and see where gaps are that might need mitigation. As a matter of fact three of the guys we worked with went to Bible College after the advance level training, graduated and have returned to their churches. Pray along as we look forward to that meeting that God will help us find a strategic direction for the future. It will also be a time to introduce the SEED concept and we can get them to get involved.

SEED Farms

One of the most critical aspect of life at this time is striving to keep a healthy balance between ministry and means in order to maximize impact in a post-war country. In light of this fact we continue to work the land to make it productive and fruitful. This year cleared 20 acres of land for farming. The plan is to plant rice (upland/lowland), cassava, corn and plantain/banana. The cultivation has begun but we a major challenge with finding workers. Pray that this situation does not delay planting because we have invested so much into land preparation already.

Update on Partners Pine Project

Our partners and friends were gracious in supporting the farm initiative. From what we received we were able to purchase a cow for the farm as per the donation. We purchased a pair of guinea fowls, 5 hens and a rooster, 3 goats (females) 1 (male). For our tools donations we got one power tool (circular saw), 10 rolls of chicken wires, 1 role of 75 feet of fence wire, 10 cutlasses (machete). One water reservoir and initial contribution to our water storage. Seedling- palm, pineapple, plantain/banana. The project is a great way to help us in the farm building process.

Recently we got a big boost to our farm development when we received a donation for the purchase of a tractor. We have acquired the tractor with initial attachments (5 ton tilting wagon, bucket and a harrow disc plough). We have the tractor in country, but the remaining pieces were ordered from John Deere subsidiary company in Turkey. A tractor means multiple things to our farm needs: road improvement, ploughing and planting, transportation, etc. As it is the more attachments we have can give us huge advantage in developing the land.


ministry opportunities are opening up as we develop the land. Firstly, to set up a farmer field school to give life skills in crop and animal husbandry training to household heads that would empower them economically over time. Secondly, adult literacy school and church planting activities.


despite these opportunities, we have a lot hurdles to overcome. A need for adequate land clearing means for ploughing of land to be immediate. No assess to clean and safe drinking water for human consumption and all season agricultural activities. Theft in the area by community youths due to lack employment.

Prayer Points

  • Equipment to clear land to increase land space for easy use of tractor and stump ripper to remove stumps from already cleared land by traditional means.

  • Water well for the farm and communities

  • Fencing to curtail criminal activities

  • Need to hire a ministry person to serve as our church planting leader.

Thanks a million again for standing with us as we serve on the front line.

Rich blessings!
