Liberian Elections — 2017

As election draws near, remember Liberia for a peaceful election, that will be free, fair and transparent. Liberia is all that we have, if it is peaceful, we can continue to lead and serve our people. We at LEADLiberia are confident that there will be a peaceful transition of power.

To all our friends, continue to hold the rope (support) as we envisage the dawn of a new day in our country. A new day that would give us an enabling environment to build lives for eternity, support family in ministry thru our sustainable initiatives, strengthen the Church thru the development of it's leader and help communities thru our agricultural ventures. Give us seeds and not rice, give us chicken and not eggs. Help us put people to work so that they grow what they eat and sell the surplus for their sustenance.


The Vision — SEED to LEAD

A vision can never be realized by merely sitting down and dreaming that it would be, but you have to work at it.

SEED Farms is one of such, being developed as a sustainable integrated farm for training leaders ministry skills and life skills. We are convinced that the greatest gift you can give any group of people is the gift of helping them to help themselves. It is better to give a person seed they can plant and have a great harvest than a bag of rice, better to give them chicken they can raise and become suppliers than wait to be supplied. Join us to seed the future. I believe we can build a great nation by building the capacity of our people and provide opportunities for their contributions.

I believe we can together build a nation through hard work, dedication, and honesty.


Step by Step


There are some days when the road ahead of you appears so foggy. You keep wondering if you are ever going to it make it past that point, but as you approach it, it clears up, and it becomes a thing of the past.

This morning the song that I am singing as an inspiration and reminder as I tread life's journey and experience the vicissitude of life is Step by Step - Step by Step. We'll make this journey even though, we sometimes fall, step by step we will make this journey, but we must put trust in God.

I am confident that our God is able to turn our challenges into meaningful testimonies that would encourage many along life's pathway to knowing that nothing is impossible with God.