Helping Others ... The Hallmark of a Service Heart


We are always thankful for people who are, ever ready to help in times like these! Our truck tires fell between palm logs while crossing but nearby villagers ran to our rescue. Though they couldn't lift the truck but they never left us, until we jacked the tires gradually and pull it out. No matter where you are, you always need the help of others to make it thru the hitches of life. It took us almost 5 hours but we were surrounded by these wonderful people who abandoned their day's work to support us.

During this time I had the privilege of building new relationships as a bridge for evangelism in the nearby village. Keep us continually in your prayers as we serve.

Rich blessings!


Leadership Lesson 1 - The Credit and the Glory are HIS


As a leader you always take the blame for things not done or when you fail to make decisions at the spur of a moment, but folks take the credit for success even without making any reference to you.

You always have to keep your head up and know that the one you are following went thru the same. Do not worry about who gets the credit, because at the end of time the only flag that will fly is the flag of Jesus Christ — King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

At that time we will all, great and small, die to our names and all our trophies surender at His feet. Oh what a day that will be! Sola Gloria"(His glory alone), "Sola Christo" (Christ alone)!


A Rallying Call to Invest in Agriculture


I encountered some Liberians today and the point of our discussion was the need to intentionally invest in agriculture. Our economy could skyrocket if we did that.

While it is true that we need good roads we cannot make road construction a priority over growing what we eat and eat what we grow. This is in no way intended to discredit government agenda but I sincerely believe agriculture could provide thousands of jobs for our youths and other Liberians.

If we were to invest a billion dollars into agriculture we could turn our nation's economy around in at least 12 years. I think this a non political rallying call to utilize the soil to restore our nation from ruins to riches.