SEED Farms Update

We were able to reach the farm yesterday. It was a tough trip with the vehicle losing pressure and overheating on two occasions. In spite of our late arrival, we were able to accomplish a couple of tasks. We framed the two room warehouse and sufficiently cleared the building site and made a car path from the main road to the building site. The power saw was really helpful in felling trees from the road and building site. Thank God for this gift to the farm.

Our major challenge is road. A small team worked on the road, but there are still a lot of clearing and log bridges to construct to make the road passable. We are planning to spend at least two days after we complete the warehouse on the road work. We will return on Saturday to complete the warehouse to serve as a tent for the work team. This road is needed in order to truck in materials for the farmhouse construction.

The Cassava we planted on the portion in growing well. We are sending in a power saw guy to crosscut logs on the other portion. The logs will be used to process charcoal we can sell as a cost recovery scheme. We got Palm seedling yesterday for the planting. The person who is going to help us do the planting is an agriculturist who has offered to help us do the planting. He is also offering his services to build our seedling nursery for Pepper and Bitter balls in August. That would mean clearing lowland portions in preparation for vegetable planting.

Thanks for your encouragement and support for SEED!



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