A Journey Worth the Walk.


As we approach the threshold of another year, it behooves to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all our friends and love ones who made our journey worth the walk.

Even those who didn't believe in us still made our journey worth it. Everyone in someway continued to make is what we are meant to be and to achieve. I have resolved to keep focused as our problems are enormous yet our God is bigger than all, therefore I am determined to keep running the race trusting God's enduring grace to take me thru to the end. My prayer is to maintain a servant heart and attitude to never keep anyone in my heart, but to keep God at the center of it. I want my life to count no matter the challenges. I am grateful to God for my wife (Nancy) of 29 years Without whom this journey would have been so difficult. She has been my cheerleader in good times and bad times. My wonderful kids (Rosa, Brenda, Temmon and Necia) grand kids (Angel, QJ, Nicole, Lurenda, Peniel, and Shenniel) have always been there to give me every reason to keep on keeping on.

To our church family I say thanks for allowing me to lead you by serving you over the years. It has been quite a journey with you on the team. Rich blessings and wishes to you for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!



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