A Prayer for Visionary Leadership

Thanks to all for your encouraging comments.

You know we are here and striving to help build the capacity of our people sustainably, but when the very people you are committed to helping, don't seem to understand the importance of being elevated from depending on others for thier daily sustenance, it gets frustrating sometimes. Our people have for so long hoped for change that will put them to work, but it is nowhere in sight. Pray that our people will come to the realization that hope in man is vain, and resolve to make a shift from trusting people to trusting God. I believe as we pray and work diligently, we will experience transformation at multi levels.

Our nation has a lot of untapped resources that can transformed the lives of every born and unborn Liberian, but always managed by shortsighted leaders.

Pray for God to deliver Liberia from such Liberians and raised up a new caliber of visionary Leaders who are prepared to champion a national cause.

  • Why should we sit on gold mine and beg others?

  • Why should we have fertile soils and import rice and other agricultural products?

  • Why should we have abundance of water and yet be thirsty?

We need to rise up to the challenge and take our nation from ruins to riches!



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