A LEADLiberia Christmas Update

Dear Partners and Co-laborers:

Although we are far away from each other in miles, we are close in heart and able to share Merry Christmas greetings. We wish to acknowledge each of you our valued partners and eternal friends how much we love and appreciate you.


It has been a year of changes and challenges for all of our family. One of those changes has been to be early grandparents to three wonderful grandchildren ( Lurenda, Peniel and Sheniel). They have changed our world pretty much.

Our three children Brenda, Temmon and Necia have continued to handle their challenges pretty well. Brenda is presently entering her junior year studying for a nursing degree at Cuttington University in Suakoko, Bong County. Temmon is an IT student at Starz College in Monrovia. Necia is entering high school and trying to fight her way back to the top after several struggles as a teenager. Continue to join us in keeping them before the throne of Grace.

This year Nancy’s health has been and is still a challenge but God has been gracious in stabilizing her heart condition due to constant high blood pressure (hypertension). We trust the Lord for medical attention beyond our local doctor’s help in the coming year.

One of our challenges in this year has been traveling and serving without vehicle. We lost our truck and Jeep early in the year. Our farm travels took a toll on the truck without four wheels and our Mitsubishi Jeep’s engine got damaged. We have had to rely on public transport a lot more than we ever imagined. It has been tougher for Nancy and the children. Pray along that God provides a reliable vehicle for the family. We also praise God for the provision a brand new double cabin land cruiser for ministry. We are still processing the duty-free document before shipment is done. Pray that it speeds up before the Christmas break kicks in.


One of our challenges has been reengaging our constituents after the Ebola crisis in Liberia. We did a conference in February for over 60 participants from 12 churches in the Todee area. In July we visited Nimba to reconnect our largest training operations covering over 100 churches in Karnplay, Garplay, Gblorlay and Bahn areas. We will begin training in those areas in August, September and November. In November this year we were privileged to have IBC Missions Pastor and Director of Global Partnerships (Brent and Lauren) visit Liberia. During their trip we visited two of our training networks to interact with Pastors in Larkeyta where we have 18 churches and Todee with 8 churches. Brent and Lauren also visit Seedfarms, a sustainable 125 acre retreat farm of Lead/Liberia.

SEED Farms

In January we cultivated 20 acres of land for rice field. The harvest was plentiful. We have estimated 50 x100 5000 lbs of rice seed. We also began our animal husbandry programs with a bull, goats, ducks and piglets. On the overall the farm is gradually coming alive. Our farm house is partially finished and we do hope we can get the house finished by February.

The farm also received a big boost when we received a 75hp John Deere Tractor. One of major challenge has been the delay in the shipment of our implements. Pray along for the arrival of the implements.

As we approach the threshold of another year we covet your prayers as we endeavor to make the farm functional and productive. Our goal for the next three years is to make the farm fruitful and productive.

As we gather with our families and friends this Christmas, we count our many blessings. May the gifts of joy, peace, and love be yours now and into the New Year!

Until He comes!

Kokeh and Nancy


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