Ministry Update — February, 2016

Greetings and hope the best as the New Year rolls on.

Our family is doing well so far despite health and other challenges that are pretty much part of being on the front line. However, we are graciously making it one day at a time as you pray and support (hold the rope). I thought it was important to share some major highlights with you on new developments and urgent prayer concerns.

In 2008, Samaritan Purse Liberia accepted to partner with us in our leadership development effort. Through this initiative we recruited and trained 72 key pastoral leaders for a year in Nimba and graduated 62. Of these about 90% are serving as pastors of new church plants, teachers and elders in over 30 churches in Garplay, Karnplay and Beo regions. As a result of this we remained engaged with SP until we started the SEED Farm project. They excepted our invitation to visit the farm last year. Accordingly they saw more than expected and have decided to again partner with us for a year.

We are targeting 45 pastoral leaders that would be trained both for Agriculture (vegetable, animal husbandry) and ministry. Praise God for this opportunity. They will also develop 5 acres of our swamp during this project year. However, to whom much is given much is expected. We are providing the space for the training as part of our contribution for the program.

Pray for along with us for these needs as we prepare for this program:

  1. Safe drinking water for the farm

  2. Committed Pastoral leaders for the program

  3. Completion of the farmhouse to lodge 50 trainers and participants during training

  4. Availability of Lead's vehicle to enhance the program (duty free/funds to pay duty)

  5. Committed support staff for the program- coordinator and field technicians.

Thanks again for praying for us and standing with us.



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